
Control Relay 4 Channel Menggunakan SMS
Yang dimaksud disini adalah mengontrol 4 buah beban (misal lampu atau motor ata Home electric device) melalui Relay dan dikendalikan melalui SMS yang sudah ter-Otentikasi
Nomor Pengirimnya,artinya Relay hanya mau mengikuti instruksi dari SMS dengan Nomor yang sudah terdaftar di sistem dan mengabaikan Instruksi SMS dari Nomor yang tidak terdaftar pada sistem program.
Module yang dibutuhkan :1pc Arduino UNO Rev.3
1pc Relay Module 4 Channel Low Active
1pc SIM800L GSM Module
1pc DC StepDown Buck Converter
+Beberapa pcs kabel dupon/jumper untuk wiring
Wiring SIM800L <--> Arduino UnoRXD <--> D8TXD <--> D7VCC <--> 3.7V melalui stepdown dari 5V ArduinoGND <--> GNDWiring Relay 4 Channel <--> Arduino Uno
GND <--> GND
CH1 <--> D2CH2 <--> D3CH3 <--> D4CH4 <--> D5
VCC <--> 5VWiring DC StepDown Buck Converter(-) IN <--> GND Arduino(+) IN <--> 5V Arduino(-) OUT <--> GND SIM800L(+) OUT <--> VCC SIM800LAtur VR/Trimpot pada Stepdown sampai mendapatkan tegangan 3,7VDC dan Ukur dengan VoltmeterSebelum disambungkan dengan Vcc pada Module SIM800LWarning: Jangan Memberi tegangan di atas 4,2VDC pada Vcc Module SIM800L karena dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada ModuleLibrary GSM Seeeduino silahkan download disiniBerikut Sketch Coding yang Harus dimasukan pada Arduino Uno : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 | #include #include #define TIMEOUT 5000 #define LED_PIN 13 #define ON LOW #define OFF HIGH
const int Relay1 = 2; const int Relay2 = 3; const int Relay3 = 4; const int Relay4 = 5; int StatRelay1; int StatRelay2; int StatRelay3; int StatRelay4;
GPRS gprs; void setup() { pinMode (Relay1 , OUTPUT); digitalWrite (Relay1, HIGH); pinMode (Relay2 , OUTPUT); digitalWrite (Relay2, HIGH); pinMode (Relay3 , OUTPUT); digitalWrite (Relay3, HIGH); pinMode (Relay4 , OUTPUT); digitalWrite (Relay4, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); Serial.println("Starting SIM800 Auto Read SMS"); gprs.preInit(); delay(1000); while(0 != gprs.init()) { delay(1000); Serial.print("init error\r\n"); } //Set SMS mode to ASCII if(0 != gprs.sendCmdAndWaitForResp("AT+CMGF=1\r\n", "OK", TIMEOUT)) { ERROR("ERROR:CNMI"); return; } //Start listening to New SMS Message Indications if(0 != gprs.sendCmdAndWaitForResp("AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,0\r\n", "OK", TIMEOUT)) { ERROR("ERROR:CNMI"); return; } Serial.println("Init success"); } //Variable to hold last line of serial output from SIM800 char currentLine[500] = ""; int currentLineIndex = 0; //Boolean to be set to true if message notificaion was found and next //line of serial output is the actual SMS message content bool nextLineIsMessage = false; void loop() { //Write current status to LED pin digitalWrite(Relay1, StatRelay1); digitalWrite(Relay2, StatRelay2); digitalWrite(Relay3, StatRelay3); digitalWrite(Relay4, StatRelay4); //If there is serial output from SIM800 if(gprs.serialSIM800.available()){ char lastCharRead = gprs.serialSIM800.read(); //Read each character from serial output until \r or \n is reached (which denotes end of line) if(lastCharRead == '\r' || lastCharRead == '\n'){ String lastLine = String(currentLine); //If last line read +CMT, New SMS Message Indications was received. //Hence, next line is the message content. if(lastLine.startsWith("+CMT:")){ Serial.println(lastLine); nextLineIsMessage = true; } else if (lastLine.length() > 0) { if(nextLineIsMessage) { Serial.println(lastLine);
// ########## MEMBACA KONTEN SMS DAN MENCARI+MENGARTIKAN KONTEN SMS KE PROGRAM ######### //Kendali Relay if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay1 ON") >= 0){ StatRelay1 = ON; Serial.println("Relay1 DINYALAKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay1 DINYALAKAN");} else if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay1 OFF") >= 0) { StatRelay1 = OFF; Serial.println("Relay1 DIMATIKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay1 DIMATIKAN");} if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay2 ON") >= 0){ StatRelay2 = ON; Serial.println("Relay2 DINYALAKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay2 DINYALAKAN");} else if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay2 OFF") >= 0) { StatRelay2 = OFF; Serial.println("Relay2 DIMATIKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay2 DIMATIKAN");}
if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay3 ON") >= 0){ StatRelay3 = ON; Serial.println("Relay3 DINYALAKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay3 DINYALAKAN");} else if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay3 OFF") >= 0) { StatRelay3 = OFF; Serial.println("Relay3 DIMATIKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay3 DIMATIKAN");}
if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay4 ON") >= 0){ StatRelay4 = ON; Serial.println("Relay4 DINYALAKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay4 DINYALAKAN");} else if(lastLine.indexOf("Relay4 OFF") >= 0) { StatRelay4 = OFF; Serial.println("Relay4 DIMATIKAN"); gprs.sendSMS ("08xxxxxxxxxx","Relay4 DIMATIKAN");} nextLineIsMessage = false; } } //Clear char array for next line of read for( int i = 0; i < sizeof(currentLine); ++i ) { currentLine[i] = (char)0; } currentLineIndex = 0; } else { currentLine[currentLineIndex++] = lastCharRead; } } }
reff : http://www.belajarduino.com/2016/06/sim800l-control-relay-4-channel-with.html
Video yang berkaitan dengan SIM800L : Control Relay 4 Channel with SMS via SIM800L GSM Module
Gan kalau pin RX TX saya pindahkan ke pin 10 11 atau 0 1 Arduino gimana, apakah perlu merubah sketch.